December 29, 2017

In this season of giving and new beginnings we ask your consideration of a donation to  We are a non-profit dedicated to feeding hungry Vermonters with organic produce from our farm in Jericho.

We provide the land, machinery, property taxes, production labor and all the rest of the overhead.  Every penny of your contribution goes toward seed, fertilizer and crop protection. 2018 we will continue to provide tens of thousands of servings of nutritious vegetables.

Please help if you can, secure in the knowledge that no charitable donation is used more effectively to achieve its goal.

Selecting Our Plants

Selection of varieties is critical to successful vegetable and fruit production. We have found the following to be of merit in our climate. ‘Multikeeper’ cabbage from Stokes Seeds is a reliable performer; heads hold well in the field up to a four pound size without splitting. It is suited for harvest from early August through mid-October and offers good disease resistance. Tastes good too.

Stokes is also the source of the bell pepper ‘Intruder.’ The stout plants tend toward multiple branching, making for an increased opportunity for fruit set – more flowers on more stems. The peppers are thick walled, blocky at three and one-half inches and mostly four lobed. They are excellent stuffed, fresh or from the freezer.

We now grow only one variety of raspberry, ‘Joan J’, sourced from Nourse Farms in Whatley, Mass. Our business association goes back to 1979 when we bought 40,000 strawberries and a transplanting machine from Tim Nourse. He is a man of integrity and a pioneer in the production of virus-free small fruits.

‘Joan J’ is an ever bearer that will give a summer crop on last year’s canes and a fall crop on this summer’s new canes. We grow for the fall crop only, culturing new canes from plants that were mown four inches high last November. They are heavy with promise. The berries are refreshing, lightly tart with complex flavors. They size well, big as the tip of a man’s ring finger, and make superb pies and jam even from frozen. This is our family’s favorite small fruit.

August 2017 Update


We got 400 pounds of cabbage to the Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf this week, our first donation of any size this summer. We have been furnishing the Richmond Food Shelf with potatoes and cucumbers since early August and dropping those also in the lobby of the Richmond senior housing.

We get into volume soon, with 400 tomatoes and 800 bell peppers poised to pop. Raspberry season is upon us, too, 100 plants set last year thick of cane and flower-laden. The half of the potato patch that survived May’s cold and wet looks good. The Kennebecs are the thriftier variety, Eva being a poor second that is, oddly, comingled with random hills of red potatoes. Of an acre and a half of buttercup squash, a third shows promise of good yields. May weather took the initial plantings of an acre and the late replacements are in need of some August weather.